"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about about the problem"
Jack Sparrow
1. Art Therapy
Adult colouring books are a great therapy, it clears your mind and relaxes you. Your brain experiences relief by entering a meditative state and your stress and anxiety levels have the potential to be lowered. You don't have to be an artist to do it, it can be done by anyone. You can buy adult colouring books from book stores, craft stores and big shops like Kmart and Target and you can also find adult colouring therapy printable images online and on Pinterest, I will add a couple of links below!
I love art, I love to paint, draw and colour it's a great way to escape and stop thinking for a while because you are so focused and making yourself mindful of the present moment. Creating art is a healing not only for the mind and spirt, but also the body. Many studies have shown the therapeutic benefits of making art, It is a meditative practise putting you in "the zone" and helping you take your mind of any struggles and issues. It helps to if you play some soothing music in the background or any music that makes you happy to really escape and lift your mood.
These photos above are artwork from my favourite artist "Jessica Weymouth"
2. Crystal Healing
Crystals are Mother Natures natural healers and each crystal has a unique vibrational energy that works to release physical and spiritual blockages and also ward off negative energy. Unlike anxiety medication, which only treats the symptoms. Using calming crystals for anxiety helps soothe and heal your mind, body and spirt. truly getting to the root of the problem.
There are many different calming crystals for anxiety and stress relief, crystal experts often say that the crystal chooses you instead of the other way around so when purchasing a crystal walk around the room and pick the crystal that stands out to you the one you are most drawn to, and that is the crystal for you.
Calming Crystals for Anxiety and Stress Relief
Blue Lace Agate
Is one of the best crystals for anxiety and stress relief, it is a gentle, calming crystal. It brings feelings of tranquility to alleviate anger and tension. Wearing this stone helps to calm your mind and reduce stress and anxiety and helps neutralise feeling of anger. If you are someone who suffers from anxiety everyday try wearing a bracelet made of blue lace agate or carrying one of these healing stones in your pocket, so that if you feel yourself becoming too overwhelmed, it can help bring a little comfort throughout the day.
Clear Quartz
Energies and activates your chakras. Promotes clarity of mind and aids in creativity. It works on all areas of the mind and body, awakening, amplifying and transmitting energy and clarifying thought processes. It is an excellent stone for meditation and eases anxiety. It channels calming energies that will dispel fearful and anxious thoughts.
Rose Quartz
Opens the heart to all types of love. It helps raise your self esteem, restore confidence and balance emotions. It is also one of the best crystals to use for positive self affirmations. It symbolises love and harmony, and will help you overcome emotional trauma, the same emotional trauma thats causing you to have anxiety
Crystals are Mother Natures natural healers and each crystal has a unique vibrational energy that works to release physical and spiritual blockages and also ward off negative energy. Unlike anxiety medication, which only treats the symptoms. Using calming crystals for anxiety helps soothe and heal your mind, body and spirt. truly getting to the root of the problem.
Calming Crystals for Anxiety and Stress Relief
Blue Lace Agate
Is one of the best crystals for anxiety and stress relief, it is a gentle, calming crystal. It brings feelings of tranquility to alleviate anger and tension. Wearing this stone helps to calm your mind and reduce stress and anxiety and helps neutralise feeling of anger. If you are someone who suffers from anxiety everyday try wearing a bracelet made of blue lace agate or carrying one of these healing stones in your pocket, so that if you feel yourself becoming too overwhelmed, it can help bring a little comfort throughout the day.
Is a natural stress reliever that brings protection and spiritual growth. It rids your home and body of negative energy while attracting positive energy. Assets in calming the mind, reduces insomnia and allows restful sleep, reduces stress and eases headaches.
Jet Stone
Have been used since ancient times for protection and to facilitate the release of negative emotions, which include grief, stress, anxiety, anger, fear and even depression.
Energies and activates your chakras. Promotes clarity of mind and aids in creativity. It works on all areas of the mind and body, awakening, amplifying and transmitting energy and clarifying thought processes. It is an excellent stone for meditation and eases anxiety. It channels calming energies that will dispel fearful and anxious thoughts.
Opens the heart to all types of love. It helps raise your self esteem, restore confidence and balance emotions. It is also one of the best crystals to use for positive self affirmations. It symbolises love and harmony, and will help you overcome emotional trauma, the same emotional trauma thats causing you to have anxiety
It stabilises emotions, prevents panic attacks and helps you recover if a panic attack does occur. It also brings plenty of protective and grounding energies. It balances and aligns all the chakras. Stabilises mood swings and instills inner calm. Increases energy and wards off depression.
3. Meditation
Studies have found meditation to be an effective way to soothe anxiety, uplifting your mood, calming your mind and diminishing anxiety and stress. Incorporating healing crystals into your meditation changes your energy from anxious to grounded at a faster rate as the positive earth energy replaces the negativity in your body.
Sometimes when we are having an anxiety attack or a moment of extreme stress, it helps to be fully transparent with ourselves. Acknowledge that you are having a moment and remind yourself that it will pass. Giving into the fear and stress won't get you anywhere you have to get yourself out of it. The next time you're in the mindset, having your freakout, know that you can choose to raise your vibration and shift out of it.
Meditation has been proven to help lower stress, anxiety and blood pressure. It can help straighten the immune system. Meditation results in relaxation, which means that there are less stress related chemicals in the body.
If you are a beginner and you have no idea how to start you can start by listening to some guided meditations which I will link below. You don't have to meditate for 45 minutes, you can start by doing a 5 minute meditation. And if it is easier you can listen to one of these guided meditations in bed before you go to sleep.
Guided Meditation for Detachment From Over-Thinking (Anxiety OCD Depression)
Guided Meditation For Anxiety and Street, Beginning Meditation
Guided Meditation Quite mind for anxiety and negative thoughts
10 Minute energy cleansing guided mediation
Balancing your chakras with healing energy
Before sleep. Beginners spoken guided meditation
There is just a few, Youtube have many guided meditations that can choose from.
4. Breathe
I use this exercise a lot when I'm feeling any anger, anxiety and when I feel myself getting upset. breathing itself can be turned into a meditate practise. Just take a deep breathe in for 3 seconds and then breathe out for 3 and relax.
You can perform another breathing exercise by laying down in a quite area, grab a clear quartz if you like and focus on bringing air through your nose, filling your chest and belly, and then slowly exhaling through your mouth. You will likely find that tension you went into the practise with, has been released.
%70 of toxins are released simply by breathing properly, if you aren't breathing properly, the toxins do not get released. Breathing realises tension when you are afraid, stressed, or nervous your breathing pattern changes. Breathe slowly, purposefully and deeply to feel relaxed instantly. It relises emotional distress, clear out negative or confused feelings with a deep breathe. It can ease your pain, if you hold your breathe, you will feel the pain, by breathing in deeply, you can release pain.
5. Exersize
Exercise is a great escape and the best therapy. When I was at my lowest, the gym was the only thing that would help take my mind of everything that was going on. All that anger and pain and all that negative energy take it to the gym and use it as fuel. I'ts not only a place where you can work on becoming strong physically but mentally as well.
A brisk walk outdoors can be so beneficial, it improves your mood and reduces depression, stress and anxiety. It gives you more energy and clears your mind. A nice walk outside even it's only for 15 or 20 minutes makes such a difference in your mood, it can make you feel productive, positive and grounded and you can get a lot of problem solving done!
Exercise is a great escape and the best therapy. When I was at my lowest, the gym was the only thing that would help take my mind of everything that was going on. All that anger and pain and all that negative energy take it to the gym and use it as fuel. I'ts not only a place where you can work on becoming strong physically but mentally as well.
A brisk walk outdoors can be so beneficial, it improves your mood and reduces depression, stress and anxiety. It gives you more energy and clears your mind. A nice walk outside even it's only for 15 or 20 minutes makes such a difference in your mood, it can make you feel productive, positive and grounded and you can get a lot of problem solving done!
6. Gratitude Practises
Practising gratitude can make a huge impact on your wellbeing. Writing a list of all the things you are grateful for in a journal everyday can put you in that positive mindset. When you are grateful for someone or something by the law of attraction you receive more back to be grateful for.
You can also use a gratitude jar, you can write something you are grateful for on a small piece of paper add it to your gratitude jar each day and then pour them out and read them at the end of each week or month.
Gratitude has many benefits it increases happiness and reduces anxiety and depression.
In one of my favourite books The Magic by Rhonda Byrne says, "When you're grateful for the things you have, no matter how small they may be, you will see those instantly increase." The practise of counting your blessings, or feeling gratitude, is so fun and simple yet so powerful in altering your life.
Practising gratitude can make a huge impact on your wellbeing. Writing a list of all the things you are grateful for in a journal everyday can put you in that positive mindset. When you are grateful for someone or something by the law of attraction you receive more back to be grateful for.
You can also use a gratitude jar, you can write something you are grateful for on a small piece of paper add it to your gratitude jar each day and then pour them out and read them at the end of each week or month.
Gratitude has many benefits it increases happiness and reduces anxiety and depression.
In one of my favourite books The Magic by Rhonda Byrne says, "When you're grateful for the things you have, no matter how small they may be, you will see those instantly increase." The practise of counting your blessings, or feeling gratitude, is so fun and simple yet so powerful in altering your life.
7. Secret Shifters
Make a list of some secret shifters to have up your sleeve. By secret shifters I mean things that can change your feeling in a snap. It might be beautiful memories, future events, funny moments, nature, a person you love, your favourite music. Then if you find yourself angry or frustrated or not feeling good, turn to your secret shifters list and focus on one of them. Different things will shift you at different times, so if one doesn't work go to another. It only takes a minute or two of changing focus to shift your frequency.
Thank you for reading. I really do hope some of my techniques can help somebody out there, like they help me. I know what it's like to suffer from a mental illness, so I really hope I can reach out to at least one person who may be suffering and need help and make a difference.
I'm truly thankful for my struggle because without it I wouldn't have stumbled across my strength. I'ts so cliche I know but what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger.
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